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Huawei mobile phone: 1.5GHz thin duo, Huawei Ascend P1 less than 3000

Update: 2012/9/2??????View:
  • Brand: ???Huawei
  • Type: ???Ascend P1
  • Price: ???331 RMB
  • Promotion: ???3223 RMB ( 0 Customers Bought)
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  Huawei Ascend P1 is a use of ultra-thin design of dual-core Android mobile phone, the fuselage only 7.69mm thick, very easy to carry, market price is less than $3000, Ascend P1 with Android 4 operating system, using 1.5GHz dual-core processor +1GB memory combination, equipped with a 4.3 inch qHD screen resolution SA, software and hardware are awesome, interest game player may notice.

  Huawei Ascend P1 the use of ultra-thin design, measurements of 129 ×64.8× 7.69 mm, weighing about 110g, Motorola blade than Razr also slim, is equipped with 4.3 inch qHD resolution Super AMOLED capacitance screen, color performance is outstanding, covering the surface of hard wear Gorilla glass panel, the top of the screen is designed with 130W pixel video call camera, the bottom is the three touch function keys, left in order the menu key, the Home key and return key, left side of the fuselage design of the button to adjust the volume, the right to supply / unlock key and memory card slot, the top is 3.5mm headset interface, Micro USB data line interface and a SIM card slot, the back panel is detachable, user needs note n.

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