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Lighting energy saving power supply on urban roads is one of the most beautiful scenery

"Green light" project is an implementation of a nationwide lighting electricity savings, protecting the ecological environment of systems engineering. ZWG Series Intelligent Lighting Energy Regulators cabinet is stable Bo Electric Co., Ltd. independently developed a new generation of energy-saving cabinet this product using advanced technology and the use of microelectronics regulating compensation successive comparison program coding control of lighting power voltage monitoring and implementation of a fixed artificial track in full accordance with the requirements for automatic voltage regulator to ensure timely supply so that the lights will not only make a more rational distribution of uniform lighting to save energy is generally up to about 20-40% of the electric power savings will effectively extend the lamp life and reduce maintenance costs, the product completely by the China Quality test Center, and received SIMT quality recognition. Energy regulator cabinet is currently the most representative products. The following is my company's use of the site in Shanxi Liulin and effects.
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